[M234, roll 237, frame 136]

Western Camp Agency
Dec. 12, 1828


I have the honour to inform you that the land party of emigrating Creeks consisting of two hundred and thirty-six arrived at this place on the 28th of November being fifty-four days on the road from the Creek Nation in Alabama.

The water party I have not heard from since they passed Memphis in the early part of this month. I presume they are detained at the mouth of White River on account of the low state of the water.

I am using every exertion to close the payment of provisions, immediately after which I shall return to the old nation.

The exploring delegation of Creeks under Mr. L. Blake came here and were kindly received by the emigrants who express a great desire for a reunion of the parties which there is no difficuly in affecting and a general produced if improper interference be prevented.

It is also my duty to mention to you that a modification of the late Cherokee Treaty or a definite construction of that under which the emigration together with the promises made them which seems to be provided for in the passage of the Cherokee Treaty will be requisite to continue the emigration.

You will be furnished with a map of this section of country by Colonel Arbuckle together with his views and knowledge of the subject to which I humbly offer to add mine when I reach the city which of course will be before the movement of another party could take place.

I have the honour to be
Very Respectfully
Your obedt. Servt
D. Brearly
Agt Ind. Aff.

To the
Honorable Peter B. Porter.
Secretary of War