[M234, roll 237, frames 84-85]

Council House, August 5th 1827

To The Honorable James Barbour Secretary of War


  We have met Col. Brearley the agent of Indian Affairs for the Emigrating Party of Creek Indians. We have heard his talk and we are much pleased of the description he has given us of our intended location over the mighty river & we are willing to go, but there are obstacles almost insurmountable throne in our way. We have run into debt & that no small amount, for necessaries which we were compelled to have. We cannot emigrate unless those debts are paid, & we think our Father the President has it fully in his power to assist his red brethren in the discharge of these debts. The Treaty of Washington we have been told & indeed we have always understood, that if there were three thousand of us to emigrate we were to receive the sum of one hundred thousand dollars on our arrival at our please? of location, be lest? in proportion to emigrants. Now sir we are aware at least we believe, that there will not be as many as three thousand of us that will emigrate immediately, and we think it will make no difference with our Father the President to advance us the money that we are to receive on our arrival or some part thereof to discharge our just debts, if our Father will & we think he can, we will be ready to emigrate, but if he does not advance it to us we cannot removed. We owe just debts & we will not go away with not paying them. We have requested our agent to report to you more minutely then we can our situation & circumstances. We are to meet at the Creek Agency the 15th September to enroll our names, as the emigrating Party and if our debts were paid we would be willing and ready to remove immediately. We trust and hope that our Father will comply with this our request. 

  We also further request our Father that appoint some proper & discreet person to assess? the value of our improvement & pay us over the money immediately. 

  We also further beg our Father the President that appoint John Grace a deputy agent for Indian affairs for the immigrating Party. The honor the integrity and talent of John Grace in an officer we recommend that the said Grace be appointed a deputy agent for Indian affairs for the immigrating Party.

We are respectfully yours,

Rawly McIntosh
Chilly McIntosh
Arpifkar Tustonuggee {speaker}
Hothaboy ar Tustonuggee
Hotha marta Tustonuggee
Conip Emarthla
Warharlocco Harjo
Tulsa Harjo
William Miller
Nehar yoharlar
Benjamin Derrisaw
Isboco harjo
Isbococa X Emarthla

Benjamin Hawkins, Interpretor