Extracted by Sheri Siebold, 2014.

["Alabama, Estate Files, 1830-1976." Index and images. http://FamilySearch.org]

" Col. John Crowell, served as Creek Indian Agent in Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama from 1821 to 1835. He died at Fort Mitchell, Russell County, Alabama, June 25, 1846. In his Estate papers are the original papers of scripts showing the United States government (via John Crowell) owing various persons in the Creek nation certain monies for corn and beef that were to furnish the “emigrating Indians” in May 29, 1829. Upon Crowell's death, and having not been reimbursed, individuals charged the Estate of Col. J. Crowell where they were paid and receipts were issued March 21, 1847 in the Creek Nation, Arkansas. These were witnessed by George Stidham and Luther Blake.

 These are being listed in receipt order along with notes from original script [in brackets] which state what was being furnished. Five per cent was always deducted from the total due. Number one receipt is an example of all the others, except for different signatures which were usually signed with an X."

 1.$141.55 – Rec'd of Estate of Col. J. Crowell, one hundred and forty-one dollars and 55/100 in full for provisions furnished John W. Grace for the use of Creek Emigrants in the year 1829. Signed, Polly X Grey [for beef and corn, 5% deducted]
 2. missing
 3. $372.13 – signed by George Hardage, William Hardage, Sukey Hardage, only heirs of James Hardage; corn and beef
 4.$63.65 – signed by Siah Hardage, Joseph Hardage, only heirs to William Hardage; beef and corn.
 5.$228.73 – signed by Thomas Stidham [corn and beef]
 6. missing
 7.$29.55 – signed by Phebe Perryman only heir to Benj. Perryman [corn and beef]
 8.$42.66 – signed by Iney Stidham, John Stidham only heirs to Joseph Stidham [corn & beef]
 9. missing
10.$3.80 – Colley, a negro [for corn]
11.$19.42 – signed by Che co te Tustunuggee [cho co ta tuste – corn and beef]
12. missing
13.$29.17 – signed by Suckey Stidham only heir to Sally Stidham [for beef]
14.$21.72 – signed by Anny Perryman [for beef]
15.$20.33 – signed by Billuchu
16.$5.93 – signed by co ho lottey [co-ho-latta, for corn]
17.$11.75 – signed by co e marthler [other side has $11.14, Co E Marthla; for corn]
18.$11.75 – signed by Tuck a batche Harjo [for beef]
19.$12.54 – signed by cherlo Harjo [Char low Hargoe]
20.$21.76 – signed by itch has Harjo [each hos Harjo; for beef and corn]
21. missing
22.$7.62 – signed by William Perryman [for beef and corn]
23.$6.88 – signed by Co sah Harjo [Casaw Hargoe; for corn]
24.$3.75 – signed by on tas yoholo [ aw tos yo ho law; for beef]
25.$8.55 – signed by Noble Perryman, only heir to Isaac Perryman; for corn]
26.$5.72 – signed by No cos ko chock ny [no cos co choco ney; for beef and corn]
27.$12.33 – signed by Siah/Silas Hardage, only son in law and heir of Tehophleth Perryman [for beef and corn]
28$5.94 – signed by O
29. c lath Harjo [ oak lath Harjoe ; for beef and corn]
30.$3.04 --- signed by Au pau? Yock micco [Aw pi oc micco; for corn]
31.$16.15 – signed by Amy Perryman [beef]

Note: $12.00 one day I promise to pay Thomas Blackstone or bearer the sum of $12.00 value received December 5, 1828. Signed Offlar Perryman, witnessed by Thos. L. Reid 

Note: $104.31 Ό May 27, 1829 'to pay Thomas Blackstone or bearer”, etc. signed by Thomas Stidham, witnessed by Luther Blake