[M234, roll 236, frame 671]

Agricultural Implements for Western Creeks, March 18th 1836.

A list of farming utensils, iron steel & c. required
by Creek Indians West of the Mississippi. Viz:

350 Small chopping Axes
200Grubbing Hoes
400 prsTrace Chains with strait links
200Inch Augers
200    "   Chisels
200Drawing Knives
20Smoothing Plains
20Small Hewing Axes
600 lbsIron 3½ inches wide, ½ inch thick for axes
800 lbsIron 4 inches wide, 5/8 inch thick for scooter ploughs
400 lbsIron 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick for Wedges
400 lbsIron 2 inches wide, 5/8 inch thickfor Froes &
400 lbsIron 2 inches wide, 3/8 inch thickHoes
800 lbsPlough Moulds small size for Shovel ploughs
200 lbs5/8 round Iron for Clevis and plough bolts
200 lbsIron 1 Inch wide 3/8 inch thick
100 lbsIron Inch Round
100 lbsIron Inch Square
4000 lbsIron for Creek Shops}Naylor's and Sanderson's
400 lbsBest Shear Steel for axes

More or less.

W. Rector
S. Agt. Creeks

[M234, roll 921, 1231-33]

A. P. Chouteau's proposals for furnishing Agricultural Implements for the Western Creeks,

Western Creek Nation
Verdigris 30th June 1836

Col. William Armstrong
Actg. Supt. Westn. Terry.


I will furnish the following articles of the best materials and workmanship at Fort Gibson for the Creeks, agreeably to your advertisement of the 10th instant, at the following prices, to wit:

350Collins Felling Axes  (medium size) @ $ 2.25 $787.50
1000Hoes  assorted@ .50¢ 500.00
400Prs.Trace Chains (straight links).90¢ 360.00
1001 Inch Augers, 25 ¾ Augers, 25 ½ inch Augers}
 25 1½ inch Augers, and 25 2 inch Augers                @ 9¢ } 78.75
3Doz.1 inch chisles, 2 doz. ¾ inch, 2 doz. ½ inch}
2Doz.1¼ inch, and 2 doz. 1½  inch, and 2 doz. 2 inch,    @ 12½ ¢ } 90.00
15Doz.Drawing Knives (medium size) @ $6.25 93.75
Doz.Carpenters smoothing plains (complete) @ 24.00 36.00
Doz.Collins Hewing Axes (small size)42.00 63.00
200Grubbing hoes3.00 600.00

I am under the impression that the article 1½ doz. Carpenters Smoothing planes complete must be an error; and is, I think, intended for 1½ doz. sets Carpenters planes complete, which, I think, consist of the Jack, Fore, Jointer, and Smoothing planes.  Should my opinion be correct, and you wish the set, I will furnish them at $14 a set - to wit - Jack plane $3 - Fore $4 - Jointer $5 - Smoothing $2 - making the 1½ doz. set amount to $252.00.

In this case the amount of my bid would be $2,825.00

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
(signed) A. P. Chouteau

N. B.
Should my bid be accepted, I shall deem it a favor if you will give me immediate notice, that I may procure the articles from the East in due time.

A. P. C.