1867 Creek Nation Census

This is a transcription of the 1867 Creek Nation Census.  Thanks to Madeline Mesplay for scanning the images.
Last updated 22 Nov 2020 (*completed and checked)

Town Page No. of
No. of
Cowetah * 1 149 56
Tuckabatchee 10 174 747
Cusetah 21 172 595
Ah bih cah * 30 150 601
Alabama 39 26 150
Artusse 41 44 202
Cheyarhar 44 65 215
Ki a li jas 45 66 302
Big Spring 52    
Thlop thlocko * 55 64 269
Osuchee 59    
Thlewalley 61    
Canadian Ufallar 62    
Wewaka 66    
Weh woh gofe kee 68 37 218
Tuskegah Canadian 71 55 250
Tuskegah Arkansas 75 11 50
Tallah see 75    
Tulse Canadian 81    
Okfuske 82    
Euchees 88    
Town Page No. of
No. of
Pecon Tallahasee 97 40 154
Broken Arrow 99    
Deep Fork Ufallar 103    
Kowar Sartee 105    
New York 108    
Hillabee 112    
Hickory Ground 117    
Hitchetee 120    
Bruner 125    
Hutche Chupco  127 23 101
Lochar pokar 128    
Fish Pond 132    
Tulwer thlocco 136    
Tulwa Chusse 137    
Greenleaf 139    
Conchartee 141    
Tallerhasse 143    
Arbecochee 144    
Top pah quah 146    
Gouge  148    