Summary of Creek Nation slave owners, 1860, (by name)

In order ... By name

The 1860 Creek Nation census (as part of the "Indian Lands west of Arkansas") excluded obvious "full-blood" Creek Indians presumeably because they were not considered "citizens". But, the accompanying slave schedules do list "full-blood" and "mixed-blood" Indians who were slave owners as well as whites. This list is a summary of slave owners listed on the 1860 Creek Nation slave schedules (as part of the "Indian Lands west of Arkansas").

Persons marked with an * are also listed on the 1860 Creek Nation census and are likely white persons.  Most of the other persons listed are "full-blood" and "mixed-blood" Creek Indians.  Many prominent and/or wealthy Creek Indians are listed here that are "excluded" from the main census.

Page Line Last Name First Name Remarks No. of
No. of Slave
6 23   Ar sup pe ye of "Fish Pond" 9 2
3 11   Billy HaKe a "Seminole" 1  
5 2   Che pi che of "Coweta" 3 1
6 10   Chi Ke of "Ki a li che" 2  
2 27   Chookcharte of "Tuckaparche" 4 1
7 34   Hat ho yar of "Tuckaparche" 2 1
5 20   Honesar of "Talwar Thlocco" 2 1
5 5   Hope a Negro * 1  
5 25   Hunter of "Chearhar" 14 4?
9 34   In char we of "Tuckaparche" 5 1
4 19   Is tal li ke of "Oakfuske" 1  
6 1   Josiah of "Upper Eufaula" 1  
5 24   Katey of "Lower Tuckaparche" 1  
10 1   Ke se lar of "Tuckaparche" 5 1
4 18   Lat ho ke of "New Yorker" 1  
7 1   Louiza of "Tuckaparche" 1  
4 28   Lucy chee of "Cusseta" 3 1
11 35   Luste of "Oakfuske" 1 1
4 36   Mahala of "Coweta" 2 1
6 12   Mar see of "Ki a li che" 1  
7 2   Mary of "Tuckaparche" 1  
9 30   Mary of "Tuckaparche" 4 1
12 18   Mary of "Che ar har" 1  
2 31   Mit te wi ke of "Tuckaparche" 3 1
3 30   Mut ho ye of "Thlob thlocco" 1  
4 13   Nehar Thlocco co chook any of "New Yorker" 5 1
4 8   Nocosille of "New Yorker" 5 1
6 20   Ohar hoye of "Fish  Pond" 3 1
8 33   Olin de of "Ar pe kar" 4  
4 26   Patty of "Hitchite" in trust for heirs of Cheparne of "Coweta" 4 1
3 27   Polly of "Tuckaparche" 1  
3 32   Polly "Seminole" 2 1
9 39   Rosanna of "Tuckaparche" 2 1
4 2   Sally of "Thlob thlocco" 1  
3 28   Samme of "Tuckaparche" 1  
16 12   Sar fut chi of "Kuncharte"  1  
13 23   Se se pui che of "Broken Arrow" 2  
4 20   Sic ke tow we of "Oakfuske" 3  
3 26   Stim mo lut ke of "Tuckaparche" 1  
12 1   Sunee of "Coweta" 2  
11 26   Suppulpar of "Oso che" 1  
6 14   Tar ye of "Ki a li che" 1  
4 31   Thomas of "Cusseta" 2 1
3 39   Tick Fun Ke of "Tuckaparche" 3 1
4 1   Tick Fun Ke of "Tuckaparche" 3 1
10 23   Toat kar har se of "L. Tuckaparche" 1  
3 29   Tomme of "Tuckaparche" 1  
3 10   Toney a "Seminole" 1  
3 9   Tote ho ye of "Tars Ke Kee" 1  
10 19   Tuskenehar of "Tuckaparche" 2 1
16 40   Tyler of "Kunchar te" 1  
2 12 Aird Alexander   4 1
1 12 Airds * George M.   2  
16 22 Anderson George   10 2
11 32 Aspbury Catharine   3 1
8 9 Atkins Loueza   5 2
4 3 Barnes * William S.   2 1
3 31 Barnett Daniel   8 1
2 21 Barnett Eliza   2 1
2 35 Barnett George   4 1
2 23 Barnett Hoke Te   1  
2 13 Barnett Isabella   4 1
2 1 Barnett Lavina   6  
2 39 Barnett Lavina   4  
2 5 Barnett Nancy   4 1
2 17 Barnett Peggy   4 1
15 4 Barnett Richard   1  
2 16 Barnett Timothy   19 6
2 24 Barnett Timothy in trust for heirs of DavidBarnett 3 1
4 23 Barnett Warnarke   5 1
2 9 Barnett Washington   4  
18 28 Barnwell Vicey   27 14
19 1 Barnwell Vicey   7 4
16 1 Barnwell * John   4 1
9 31 Bemo Harriett   3 1
14 18 Benton Susan   1  
20 16 Berryhill Sam   2  
8 39 Berryhill Win nee   1  
1 6 Bertholf * Thomas   2 1
4 3 Boson Amos in trust for heirs of Doyle Hoparne 23 5
4 31 Boson Amos in trust for heirs of Kotchar Tustunnuc Kee 10 3
3 1 Bowlegs Susan "Seminole" 20 2
3 34 Bowlegs Susan "Seminole" 20 2
3 14 (Bowlegs) Betsy, Nar see, Billy, Sally & Nelly heirs of Billy Bowlegs "Seminole" 9 3
6 12 Brinton Betsey   8 3
6 6 Brinton George W.   6 3
13 9 Brown Hannah   7 2
1 29 Bruner David   11 3
1 25 Bruner Joseph   4 1
16 36 Bruner Lewis   2 1
16 34 Bruner Looney   2  
1 14 Bruner Lucinda   11 2
11 9 Bruner Mack   9 2
11 8 Bruner Sam   1  
2 8 Bruner William   4 1
1 1 Buckner * Henry F.   5 1
13 19 Burgess Hepsey   1  
15 1 Burgess Mary   3 2
15 35 Burgess Mary   6  
16 19 Butler James   10 2
9 2 Carr Bissy   3 2
16 5 Carr Chipley   4 1
10 32 Carr Richard   1  
5 26 Carr Sarah   4 1
4 38 Carr Thomas of "Lower Tuckaparche" 3 1
8 40 Carr Thomas of "Cusseta" 1  
10 38 Checote Samuel   2  
11 1 Checote Samuel   5 1
2 1 Chisholm Jesse   6 2
1 39 Chisholm Sar Kar Ke   2 1
2 7 Chisholm William   1  
4 1 Chopco Harche of "Eufaula" (Seminole) 1  
10 6 Cook * Rheubin   3 2
21 14 Cornells Absalom   9 3
11 1 Cornells Hannah   7 2
11 38 Cornells Homer   3  
1 1 Cornells Joseph   9 2
1 40 Cornells Joseph   9 2
2 34 Cornells Sart Kar   5 1
2 39 Cornells Suckey on Wewoka of "UpperTuckaparche" 4  
3 1 Cornells Suckey on Wewoka of "UpperTuckaparche" 4 1
19 1 Cornells Susan   1 10
19 8 Cornells Susan   33  
15 18 Cozens Jackson   3 1
14 16 Crowell John   1  
8 9 Deer Thomas   1  
13 21 Drew George W.   10 1
16 32 Fields Rider   2 1
16 10 Fife Tally   2 1
8 32 Fife Thomas   1 1
9 1 Fisher William   1  
11 36 Fixico Kotchar of "Oakfuske" 1  
19 24 Fixico Parhose of "Oakfuske" 4 1
16 17 Fixico Tommy   2 1
10 1 Foster Abram   4 2
10 33 Foster Abram   8  
10 5 Foster Lucy   2 1
21 10 Garrett * Mary D.   3 1
21 7 Garrett * William H.   3 1
19 6 Gooding Eliza   12 3
5 15 Gooding George   5  
4 33 Gray Eunar   1  
4 2 Grayson Amy   1 1
11 14 Hardage Billy   2 1
16 20 Hardage Lucy   2 1
11 16 Hardage Moses   1  
10 28 Hardage Sally   2 1
10 25 Hardage Siah   3 1
7 36 Harjo Echo of "Tuckaparche" 5 1
3 12 Harjo Halputta a "Seminole" 20 5
3 23 Harjo Hotmeke of "Thlob thlocco" 3 1
1 9 Harjo John   6 1
1 15 Harjo Nocose   3  
4 34 Harjo Yulkar of "Talwar Thlocco" 2 1
5 1 Harrison Hitchite   1  
20 1 Hawkins Jane   40  
20 18 Hawkins Jane   23  
21 1 Hawkins Jane   40  
14 2 Hawkins Malinda   18 3
16 17 Hawkins Martha   3 1
6 32 Hawkins Samuel   41  
12 16 Henry James   2  
9 22 Herrod Goliah   9 2
8 1 Herrod Hotiche   8 3
8 39 Herrod Hotiche   2  
19 2 Herrod Hotiche in trust for Nowar Herrod 4 1
8 14 Herrod John   6 1
5 18 Herrods Rosanna   5 1
5 1 Islands Billy   8 2
5 39 Islands Billy   2 1
5 6 Islands Delphy   9 1
8 35 Islands/Herrod Hotiche Herrod & Madison Islands in trust for heirs of Lady Islands 4 2
13 29 Jacobs Sophy   3 1
15 24 Jacobs Sophy   3 1
10 30 Jeuda Rebecca   4 1
19 35 Job Cherokee   6  
20 1 Job Cherokee   5 3
16 9 Kelly Hannah   1  
13 20 Kinnard Andrew   3 1
13 16 Kinnard Jane   2 1
13 28 Kinnard Martha   1  
8 20 Kinnard Moty   12 2
16 14 Lewis Kizzie   2 1
16 5 Lewis Loueza   9 2
16 16 Lewis Susan   1  
16 4 Lewis * John   1  
15 27 Lewis * Kendal   14  
16 1 Lewis * Kendal   3 5
10 23 Lott Absalom   2 1
11 40 Lovett Washington   1  
10 7 Lowe Americus D.   16 4
16 15 Lowe Jennie   2 1
10 21 Lowe Joseph   1  
17 1 Marshall Benjamin   40  
17 30 Marshall Benjamin   11  
18 1 Marshall Benjamin   25 21
5 9 Marshall Betsey   9 2
14 1 Marshall Lafayette   1 4
14 30 Marshall Lafayette   11  
14 27 Marshall Loueza   3 1
14 23 Marshall Martha   4  
14 5 Marshall Mathew in trust for heirsof Vicey Lands 11 3
14 20 Marshall Mathew   3  
5 22 Marshall Nick   2 1
14 28 Marshall Phillip   10 3
14 2 Marshall Vicey   3  
5 23 McGilvary Abby   3 1
8 17 McIntosh Chilly   8 3
13 1 McIntosh Daniel N.   20 1
13 32 McIntosh Daniel N.   9  
8 25 McIntosh Eliza   1 1
8 33 McIntosh John of "Canadian" 2 1
13 1 McIntosh John of "Arkansas" 8 2
12 1 McIntosh Roley   40 14
12 19 McIntosh Roley   22  
14 22 McKellop Annie   6 2
14 19 McKellop James   3  
14 17 McKellop John   1  
1 18 McLish Sallie   13 4
4 30 Meicco Coweta of "Coweta, N. Fork" 1  
7 28 Micco Tuckaparche of "Tuckaparche" 6 1
3 3 Micco? Tommarthle   6 1
12 10 Milford Lewis   6 1
11 37 Miller David   3 1
11 33 Miller Nannie   4  
6 4 Moore Annie   2 1
13 18 Percival * William   1  
8 26 Perry Maria   7 2
16 29 Perryman Ellen   8 2
12 3 Perryman Gristy   1  
19 29 Perryman Henry   6 2
12 4 Perryman Jim   2 1
12 6 Perryman John   4 1
14 38 Perryman Moses   3  
15 1 Perryman Moses   34 7
13 37 Preston * James A.   2  
17 6 Redmouth Aggy   6 1/1/2
16 37 Redmouth Alexander   4  
17 1 Redmouth Alexander   5 3
1 31 Reed William   8 2
10 16 Riley Hepsey   3 1
1 10 Rogers * William H.   2 2
10 24 Ross Oliver   8 2
10 9 Ross Richard J.   7 1
1 8 Sanger, Sr. * Stephen S.   2 2
6 2 Scott George   7 1
8 37 Scott Kizzie   2  
6 9 Scott Nar kof te chi   1 1
10 22 Scott Viney   1  
11 18 Sells John   15 4
21 24 Sills Rosanna   15 3
9 1 Smith Eliza   12 2
9 13 Smith James M. C.   9 1
19 18 Smith Jenny   5 2
6 15 Smith John G.   14 5
17 12 Smith Joseph   18 1/1/1/1
19 23 Smith Lydia   1  
16 13 Steel John   2 1
16 38 Steel William   2  
10 34 Stidham Dilila   4 1
18 26 Stidham George W.   15  
20 6 Stidham Hannah   10 2
7 22 Sullivan Sally   6 2
9 34 Sullivan Samuel   7 4
8 10 Sullivan William in trust for heirs of Rachel Sullivan 7 1
4 5 Taylor * John W.   3 1
19 28 Thlocco Nehar Oakchar ye of "Oakfuske" 1  
13 31 Thomas Me te arme   6 2
11 6 Tustunnuc Kee Tarkosar of "Sow wo kolo" 8 1
11 17 Tustunnuc Kee Yarhar of "LowerEufaula" 9 2
21 1 Tyler Milley   6 2
21 39 Tyler Milley   2  
15 5 Vann Catharine   13 2
13 25 Vann Martin   2  
13 39 Warfields * Alexander   2  
14 1 Warfields * Alexander   1 1
13 27 Warford William   1  
6 33 Watson Fanny   8 1
11 37 West Peggy of "Oakfuske" 1  
15 21 Winslett David   3 1
7 5 Yargee James in trust for heirs of John Harveson 6 1
7 21 Yargee James   1  
6 29 Yargee John   12 2
7 1 Yargee John   4 1
6 3 Yargee Mary   1  
7 13 Yargee Milly   28  
8 1 Yargee Milly   8 12
7 3 Yargee Nancy   10 2
5 30 Yargee Peter   10 2
6 1 Yargee Peter   2  
7 11 Yargee Tallissee   10 3
9 5 Yoholo Hopoethle   25 7
6 13 Yoholo Lar tar of "Ki a li che" 1  
11 27 Yoholo Nocose   5 1