[Documents from Candi Seaton.  Page last updated April 16, 2018]

Probate documents in chronological order (some transcribed below):

Walter Burris will

In the name of God Amen I Walter Burriss of the County of Jackson and State of Missouri, being in good health of body, and of Sound and disposing mind, and desiring to make a disposition of my property in some respects different from the provision of the general Law, Do hereby make, ordain, and publish this as my last Will and Testament.

 1st I Will and desire that my wife Lydia Burriss should she out live me have all and every species of property of any description whatsoever of which I may die seized during her natural life or widow hood after the payment of all my just debts, and at her death or marriage, to be equally divided between my five children, Thomas Burriss, Rachel Burriss, Zachariah Burriss, Prudence Burriss, and Walter Burriss the children of my wife Lydia.

 2nd As I have given to each my children Henry Burriss, Rebecca Green, Nancy Vernon, William B Burriss, Alice Crabtree, Polly Crabtree, when they married and left me all I intend for them, and as much as will fall to my other children I will and bequeath that they receive nothing more of my estate, but that it be disposed of to my wife Lydia, and my children, Thomas, Rachel, Zachariah, Prudence, and Walter Burriss as above stated.

 3rd I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son Henry Burriss Executor of this my last will and testament and desire that he do the condition of this my last will and testament fully executed In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 3rd day of October A.D. 1836.

John R Swearingen Walter [X] Burriss {seal}
Joseph [X] Bradin

State of Missouri
County of Jackson } To be it remembered that in the twelfth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine personally appeared Joseph Bradin & John R Swearingen before me Saml C Owens Clerk of the County Court within and for the County aforesaid personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing of writing as the last will & testament of Walter Burriss deceased as subscribing witnesses thereto and made oath that Walter Burriss whose name is subscribed to the said instrument as Testator was the real person who executed the same and declared that the same was his last will & testament and that the said Walter Burriss signed sealed and delivered the same in their presence, and published the same as his last Will & Testament and that the said Joseph Bradin & John R Swearingen subscribed the said last will and testament of said deceased as subscribing witnesses in the presence and at the request of the said Walter Burriss and that said deceased was in his proper mind 

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my 
hand and affixed the seal of said court {seal} 
at office the day & year aforesaid

 Saml C Owens Clk

State of Missouri
County of Jackson } I Saml C Owens Clerk of the County Court within and for the county aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing Last Will and testament of __ Walter Burriss deceased is duly rendered in my office in Book __ __ page 49 and following.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and affixed the seal of said Court at {seal} 
office this 12th day of October AD 1839

Saml C Owens Clk

 County of Clay. } ss

 This day personally appears before me John Hendley, a Justice of the Peace within and for the County Aforesaid, Benjamin Hayes, proprietor of the Far West, a newspaper published in the town of Liberty, in said county, who being duly sworn, doth depose and say that, the Notice hereto annexed was published in the following numbers of said paper issued on the following days, to wit:

Paper No. thirty six  issued on the  14th  day of November 1839
" " thirty seven " 21st " November 1839
" " thirty eight " 28th " November 1839
" " thirty nine " 5th " December 1839

and further this affiant saith not Benjamin Hayes
Fourth day of January 1840 before me
John Handley J. P.

Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned; on the estate of Walter Burris, deceased, bearing date 17th October, 1839, by the Clerk of the county court of Jackson county.  Persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit in said estate; and if not precluded in three years they will be forever barred.

Nov. 14, 1838 - no 36-4

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will attend at the next November term of the Jackson County Court, to make a final settlement of his administration on the estate of Walter Burris, dec'd., when and where all persons interested may attend,      HENRY BURRIS, Ex'r
October 1, 1842

Walter Burris will interpretation

Walter's will has been mis-interpreted by some people as stating that the younger group of children listed are by Lydia [Barnes] and therefore the older group are by an earlier wife.  This is not the case. The correct interpretation of the separation of the children into two groups is that the older group represents the children who were married and left home and the younger group represents the unmarried children still at home. Walter himself describes the first group as the children who had "married and left me".  Here is the status of the children at the time Walter wrote his will on October 2, 1836.
Group:   Child: Married:    At home:    Supposed mother
 listed on Ancestry:   
Actual mother:
1st 1. John Burris (est. 1788)
2. Henry Burris (c. 1790)
3. Rebecca Green (est. 1808) 
4. Nancy Vernon (1809)  
5. William B Burris (1811)
6. Alice Crabtree (1813)
7. Mary "Polly "Burris (1814) 
  Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Mary Lively
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
2nd 8. Thomas Burris (1816)
9. Zachariah Burris (1818)
10. Rachel Burris (1820)
11. Prudence Burris (1822)
12. Walter Burris (1825)
Lydia Cole
Lydia Cole
Lydia Cole
Lydia Cole
Lydia Cole
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes
Lydia Barnes

Given that Walter Burris married Lydia Barnes in 1807 that means all the children (except Henry) are by Lydia  anyways.   Henry's older brother John Burris was excluded from the will.
